Returns and Refunds

  • Unless due to a defect or fault in the Goods provided by the Supplier to the Customer, the return of any Goods will only be accepted by the Supplier if the Goods are unused, unopened, and in a condition which is considered at the sole discretion of the Supplier to be a condition with is fit for re-sale; and a goods return note (which can be provided by the Supplier at the request of the Customer) is included.
  • Any refunds provided will be at the sole discretion of the Supplier. If any component of the Goods needs to be replaced following receipt of the returned Goods by the Supplier because it has been used or is missing, the Supplier reserves the right to deduct any such costs in replacing such components from any refund they may provide.
  • The Supplier shall accept no liability for any Goods that are to be returned by the Customer and shall not consider any refunds in respect of the same unless the Supplier has agreed to collect the Goods from the Supplier, or such Goods physically arrive back into the possession of the Supplier.
  • The Supplier reserves the right to charge a handling and restocking fee in respect of any Goods which are returned, or in respect of any refunds that are to be provided, which shall be no more than 20% of the value of any such Goods.
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